My rating: 5 of 5 stars
5 sparking stars!

I need someone to burn down my house. I want to be saved by lieutenant Wyatt Fox..
So badly.

He is:
A former Marine.
A firefighter.
With a tatoo.
And a beard. (BILF)!!!
So help me God!
Kate Meader is doing it again, lighting our hearts with such a wonderful, amazing and mind blowing story.
Wyatt and Molly met years ago and spent a week of HOT and UNFORGETTABLE anonymous sex.
Now meeting again and having to work together, both Molly and Wyatt have to control the fire that sparks between them whenever they're around each other.
There are millions of reasons why they shouldn't be together.
“Nothing had ever felt this good. No one had ever felt this good. It had always been her.”

Ever heard about ovaries explosion?!
Here is your chance to get one, because Wyatt is a man who could bring you to orgasm while looking at you...
“You planning to glare me into orgasm, Marine?”
“I don’t glare. I smolder.”
You haven't added this book to your Currently reading shelf yet?!
You certainly are missing A LOT! Cause this is the kind of book one should read, re-read and totally keep.

“Kissing her was like realizing that your world until now was monochromatic . Color sparked behind his eyelids and traveled all over his body, setting off mini-explosions of bliss.”
See definitely Ovaries Explosion...
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