My rating: 4 of 5 stars

When I read the blurb on NetGalley, I knew that I had to get this book. How can I not when the story is about two stubborn characters who want desperately to tame each other.

Tailored for Trouble is the story of Bennett Wade, a ruthless billionaire, who thought that every woman he met was after his money.
But with a woman like Tylor, things were different because “the moment she chewed his ass in Phoenix, he knew he wanted her because she might be the only woman on the planet capable of seeing him for what he truely was: fucked up.”
Taylor Reed had everything a woman would want; a well-paid job, a nice flat and a peaceful life until she met Bennett Wade, the king of "assholeness", and the one responsible for loosing her job and for her world to shatter.
Four months later, struggling to maintain her new company HumanitE out of bankruptcy, she had to accept Wade's offer to help him better communicate with his employees for fifteen thousand dollars, an amount that would solve all her problems and give her company a strong push.
But working with Bennett wasn't as easy as she thought, because she started to see the real man behind the icy façade he forced on people and thus lost her heart in the process.

“He'd not dipped her, touched her or made any move other than to press his beautiful mouth to hers. It undid her
Com. Plete. Ly.”
Bennett's life was so fucked up. His dark past and gold-digger ex girlfriend made him thick, angry and unable to trust people. When Tylor stepped in, she knew that she would be dealing with a man tailored for trouble and that the task wouldn't be easy.

“I swear that man would be the death of me.”
Tailored for Trouble is a book where you would look like a horny teenager, live angsty, sweaty and hot love, want to have your love cookie and get your chance at true love.
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