My rating: 5 of 5 stars
When I picked the book, I thought that Scott Hildreth named it DICK because the Hero was a dick but it turned out "Dick" was his real name.
And believe me, "his name couldn't be more appropriate" .
You don't know him?
It's better coz you won't want to know him. He was "an emotionless businessman. And a prick"
And then He met her.
She was begging him for a place at a parking lot. God! He couldn't think about anything but her.
"Jesus. Looking at you makes me..."
He didn't have a room in his life for a plus one.
"As much as I knew I may never forget her, allowing her to be in my life on regular basis wasn't an option. For me, a woman was a risk, a huge risk. And I wasn't in the risk taking business."
But Jess was everything be wanted. she was adventurous, sexy,beautiful, warm and mostly she was there for him. She wanted him for who he was Not for what he had.
She believed in him while nobody ever did and he wanted the forever of her.
"I can't imagine anything but keeping you forever."
If you met him, you will be so sure that "Dick was a dick" But when you get to know the real him you would be surprised.
He was good at everything even love especially when "a little mouthy bitch" taught him the real meaning of it.

For me, this was a wonderful experience.
It's the first time I read a book written by a male author and the first time I read a book that involves guns, drugs and crimes.
Scott Hildreth you were amazing and Dick wasn't someone I wouldn't want to know unless burning my house is involved XD
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